Families Are Happy, Have a Look!
Sometimes it is just helpful to take someone else’s word for it!
“Every night bedtime was a horrible fight for our 2 year old. Only Mommy could put him to bed, and it would take her so long to do it that she would wind up falling asleep in his bed before he would fall asleep at 10:00 or 10:30. Then we had a baby and things got way out of control. If mommy had to nurse the baby then he would cry which would cause the baby to cry. He was going to sleep at 11:00 or even midnight and our baby was going to bed incredibly late as a result. So we called Susie and she gave us a plan. After a week on Susie’s plan daddy was putting him to bed and kissing him goodnight, and then daddy walks out of the room and he goes to bed all by himself. Now he is so proud that he can go to bed by himself. He is going to bed earlier and getting a full night sleep, and our baby is sleeping thru the night, too!. I can’t thank Susie enough for her help. Bedtime is now something I look forward to, plus me and my wife now have free time in the evenings and are able to go to bed together, something that we have not been able to do in over a year.”

“Prior to working with Susie my daughter was barely napping, waking every hour or so at night, and completely refusing her crib all together. Just to get some sleep we would put her in her swing with the paci where she we had a better shot of her sleeping 4 or so hours at a time (if she didn’t wake before then looking for the paci). I felt like I had read every book and tried everything and knew that this couldn’t go on. Susie laid out a plan for us and the second night of implementing this plan my daughter slept 13 hours solid in her crib without the pacifier. She has also slept around 12-13 hours a night since. Her naps have also gotten much better and my days are going so much smoother. She is much happier and finally getting the sleep she needs… and so am I! I am so happy that I made the decision to call Susie!”

Is 13 months too late for sleep training?
“I cannot thank Susie enough for helping me teach my 13 month old son the necessary skills to self-soothe and fall asleep and stay asleep independently. As a first time mom, I just wasn’t sure how and what I needed to do to help my son be successful. I read several books, listened to advice from those close to me, but just found myself more confused and unsure what to do. I felt defeated. After calling Susie, I felt much better, she created a sleep plan for my son and I committed to it. I couldn’t be happier! After just a few days I saw a big difference and after just a week, my son was falling asleep and sleeping through the night! The energy in our home is overwhelmingly positive now! We are ALL getting the rest we need and are happier than ever! Thank you Susie, for your guidance and support!”

“It is not overstating it to say that working with Susie at Sleep Baby Love gave us our lives back. Our whole family was suffering, and she came up with a plan to help our ten-month-old sleep through the night. He hadn’t slept for longer than a four-hour stretch in months and was routinely waking for the day at 4:30 a.m., and within two nights he was sleeping through the night. The effect on our family is remarkable. As parents, we are no longer exhausted and short on patience. Our 3-year-old daughter is getting a good night’s sleep, and it shows in her behavior. And, our baby wakes up happy and smiling both from nighttime sleep and naps. Working with Sleep Baby Love was one of the best decisions we made in our baby’s first year.”

“My 2.5 year old son was (and still is) an awful sleeper and I said I was going to do things differently the second time around. Well 4.5 months later, I was still nursing and rocking my baby girl, to sleep. In between having to soothe my son to sleep in the middle of the night and getting up multiple times for feeding my baby, I was EXHAUSTED! When I reached out to Susie I was totally committed to getting my baby to sleep and Susie was really helpful picking a soothing technique that was gentle enough for me to follow through with. My daughter really responded well to a consistent schedule and rarely fussed when being put down for naps and bedtime. A week later she started regressing but Susie helped me get back to basics which really helped get her back on track. I’m so appreciative that I had Susie’s advice and I’m planning on hiring her to help get my son sleeping like a champ!”

“I never could understand why my son, Will, wouldn’t sleep for longer than 30 minutes and had to be rocked or nursed to sleep. I tried to sleep train Will at 4 months but didn’t think he was ready so when I reached out to Susie when my son was 6 months I knew that both of us were ready! Susie listened to my concerns and created a plan that I knew my husband and I could follow through with. She gave us a lot of information in our sleep plan to help us feel armed and ready to do it! I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I felt supported the whole way through the process. By the end of the first week my son learned how to fall asleep independently and barely fussed before going to sleep, not to mention staying asleep throughout the night. I was so proud how fast how he learned! I too felt so confident on helping my son get the sleep he needed. With the information that Susie taught me, I was able to help Will get back on track when we had some bumps in the roads. I am so happy that I reached out to Susie because I know that we are all better off now that Will can fall asleep independently!”

“Susie helped us train our willful two-and-a-half year old daughter. When I started working with Susie, my daughter was refusing to go to bed, demanding that me or my husband sleep in her room or even in her bed with her and she was waking up in the middle of the night sad and crying. Susie was extremely supportive and detailed on what to do and when to do it and it worked! After three nights of following Susie’s directions, we felt like we were back in control and my daughter would stay in her bed, go to sleep and stay sleep all night. Susie followed up with us every day for almost a week to make sure everything was going smoothly. I couldn’t have asked for a better result!”

“The bedtime routine is amazing to me. As soon as I put her in the sack she curls up in my lap and listens to a book. It is really quite adorable. She seems so calm and that time is so special to me. Seeing her get so peaceful and ready for sleep makes me feel pretty bad for all those nights I had her up until 9pm!”

“We are still in shock over here since we have implemented our Sleep Plan! We have seriously not had one meltdown since the day we started. It’s amazing. Thank you for all your help! We would have done sleep training sooner but we thought with a spirited baby it would be impossible. Everything we read said that their intensity and persistence won’t allow them to be trained and this is just how it was going to be. But then last month, I knew that I couldn’t physically do it by myself (I was getting so sick and passed out a few times from exhaustion) and my husband was leaving for a few weeks over the summer for new job training. Finally we contacted you and now we have a whole new life it seems! Baby L. is so so so much happier she is getting anywhere from 5 to 6 hours more sleep a day!”

“Susie helped us with a sleep issue that I had no idea was due to my baby being over tired. Susie helped me adjust nap time and things were better on the first day! She taught this pediatrician something really important! Thanks Susie, for getting our sleep back on track ♥”

“Calling Susie has been the best decision I’ve made for myself and my baby. He is now the “joy” that everyone hopes for. Naps and bedtime are no longer stressful. My older daughter calls Susie the baby whisperer and it’s true! Thank you!!!!”

“I cannot state this strongly enough: If you are having trouble with your baby’s sleep habits, you should talk to Susie. She is incredibly friendly and helpful (like a less edgy version of Mary Poppins, minus the accent), she does not talk down to you even though you’re probably being an idiot like I was. And she knows her stuff!”

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