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Nap Training Success – No Judgement, Great Naps!

Baby Girl Success Story! | No Judgement Great naps | Nap Training Success

Here is a great nap training success story from a mom that held off making changes from the Rock N Play since she thought her daughter hated the crib.  With some time, turns out that the crib became Annie’s friend after all.

Once our daughter, Annie, turned 1, I knew it was officially time to get her out of the Rock ‘n Play (don’t judge!) for naps and into the crib.  I was putting it off for months because she was napping so well in there and screamed when I put her in the crib.  Annie is not a crier so it broke my heart.  I called them our “crib fights” haha.  I reached out to Susie knowing that she would give me the guidance I needed without judgment.  Susie provided me a plan that made sense for Annie.  A few days in, I was feeling stressed, unsure and alone in this “battle.”  A quick email from Susie gave me just the support and reassurance I needed to follow through.  After just four days, Annie was taking some amazing crib naps, just like Susie said she would!  Susie has improved the quality of our baby’s sleep and entire day! Such a gift.

Courtney – Boston, MA

When you work with me, I promise there is so judgement, only results!

**In case this baby looks familiar, she’s practically famous (well not as famous as Prince George, but almost).  Annie can be found on as the buddy of the adorable one year old, Nolan.



Susie Parker is founder of Sleep Baby Love and a Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant through the Family Sleep Institute. When Susie's not ridding the world of sleepless families, she loves spending time with her two girls that have given her a ton of real world sleep experience head on.

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