“I never could understand why my son, Will, wouldn’t sleep for longer than 30 minutes and had to be rocked or nursed to sleep. I tried to sleep train Will at 4 months but didn’t think he was ready so when I reached out to Susie when my son was 6 months I knew that both of us were ready! Susie listened to my concerns and created a plan that I knew my husband and I could follow through with. She gave us a lot of information in our sleep plan to help us feel armed and ready to do it! I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I felt supported the whole way through the process. By the end of the first week my son learned how to fall asleep independently and barely fussed before going to sleep, not to mention staying asleep throughout the night. I was so proud how fast how he learned! I too felt so confident on helping my son get the sleep he needed. With the information that Susie taught me, I was able to help Will get back on track when we had some bumps in the roads. I am so happy that I reached out to Susie because I know that we are all better off now that Will can fall asleep independently!”